Logo Dynamic Framework UI


The Dynamic Framework is a powerful toolkit designed to accelerate the creation of digital experiences for banking and financial services.

The framework extends the capabilities of Bootstrap and provides a full suite of tools, including CSS, HTML, and React components. These components meet the strict requirements of modern financial applications, ensuring both functionality and visual appeal.

Purpose and Benefits

In the fast-paced world of banking and financial services, efficiency and reliability are crucial. The Dynamic Framework addresses these needs by providing developers with ready-to-use components tailored for financial digital experiences.

With the Dynamic Framework, developers can focus on business logic instead of creating UI/UX elements from scratch.

Key benefits of using the Dynamic Framework:

  • Accelerated Development: Pre-built CSS, HTML, and React components enable rapid prototyping and implementation of user interfaces, saving valuable development hours.
  • Consistency and Compliance:: Ensures consistency in design and adherence to industry standards, crucial for maintaining brand identity and regulatory compliance.
  • Scalability:: Designed to scale with the complexity of financial applications, offering robust solutions that grow with the needs of the project.

Accelerating Development

The Dynamic Framework accelerates your development process with a comprehensive library of components:

  • HTML Components: Ready-made HTML structures that can be easily integrated into web pages, providing a foundation for UI elements.
  • React Components: Dynamic and interactive components built using React, allowing for seamless integration with modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries.

By using these pre-built components, developers can shorten the development cycle, reduce maintenance, and deliver sophisticated digital experiences that meet the high standards expected in the banking and financial sectors.

Understanding Components and Widgets

The Dynamic Framework helps you make the development process faster. You can use components to create the primary building blocks of your applications, giving you granular control over each part of your code.

Complement them with our pre-designed widgets that offer customizable and ready-to-use complex functionalities.


Components are modular, reusable building blocks that encapsulate a part of a user interface and its functionality. Components are essential for structuring web applications, promoting code reusability, maintainability, and scalability.

Each component typically relies on HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for behavior, making a cohesive unit that can be easily integrated into larger applications.

Most HTML components don't require JavaScript and are pre-configured for immediate use, but interactive elements like drop-downs and dialog boxes require Bootstrap JS (included in the dynamic distribution) for optimal performance.

In these cases, the HTML code has clear instructions for how to use it, such as defining classes for different states (e.g., toggling a switch) or turning on and off specific elements on the screen (e.g., opening a dialog box).


In the Dynamic Framework, Widgets are advanced implementations built using components, ready to use in banking and financial digital experiences.

Widgets encapsulate complex UI elements and functionalities, providing developers with ready-to-use solutions for common interface requirements such as charts, tables, forms, and navigation menus.

Developers can rapidly assemble sophisticated user interfaces without needing to write code from scratch by incorporating widgets, thus accelerating development timelines and ensuring consistency across applications.

Depending on the project you are working on, you can choose between HTML or React widgets.

HTML widgets

In the Dynamic Framework are built using HTML components enhanced with CSS styling and, in some cases, JavaScript for interactive behaviors. These widgets are primarily static or minimally interactive, relying on HTML’s inherent capabilities and supplementary scripts for functionality. They are straightforward to integrate into web pages and are ideal for rendering static content or simple interactions.

Typically, are well-suited for building public websites due to several reasons:

  • SEO: Search engines can easily crawl and index HTML content, improving search engine optimization (SEO) rankings.
  • Faster Page Load: HTML widgets generally have lighter code and fewer dependencies, resulting in faster page load times.
  • Accessibility: HTML provides robust support for accessibility features, ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.
  • Public websites typically prioritize content delivery, usability, and search engine visibility over complex interactive features. HTML widgets fulfill these requirements efficiently, offering a straightforward approach to presenting information and engaging users without sacrificing performance.
React widgets

React components allow you to enable dynamic behavior and enhanced interactivity within the Dynamic Framework, is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, enabling developers to create complex, stateful components that respond dynamically to user input and application state changes.

React widgets are particularly powerful for building interactive features such as data-driven dashboards, real-time updates, and complex UI interactions.

These kinds of widgets excel in application development due to their advanced capabilities:

  • Component Reusability: React’s component-based architecture promotes code reusability and modularity, facilitating scalable application development.
  • State Management: React’s state management and one-way data binding (via props) simplify handling application state and data flow, enhancing maintainability and predictability.
  • Rich User Interactions: React’s Virtual DOM and efficient rendering algorithm enable smooth and performant updates, crucial for applications with dynamic content and complex UI interactions.

The main difference between or widgets is their technology stack:

  • HTML widgets rely on traditional web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) with minimal dynamic behavior.
  • React widgets utilize React’s component-based architecture, enabling more sophisticated and interactive user interfaces.