Logo Dynamic Framework UI


We use the Bootstrap Layout, Container and Grid System.

To understand in more detail the layout and grid system, review the following documentation:

Layout & Grid

The layout is where all the elements of communication come together. A good layout requires careful planning and use of composition, which relies on principles such as hierarchy, scale, proportion, contrast, harmony, rhythm, repetition, and many more.

In the lab we use Bootstrap 5 as the basis for building our design, a powerful mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes thanks to a twelve column system.

Grid Options
Name Breakpoints Max Width
Extra extra large (xxl) >= 1400px 1320px
Extra large (xl) >= 1200px 1140px Desktop
Large (lg) >= 992px 960px
Medium (md) >= 768px 720px
Small (sm) >= 576px 540px Mobile
Extra small (xs) NONE < 576px none (auto)

Grid Gutter Widths

      .row .g-*
Name Width Class
Gutter 0 0 row g-0
Gutter 1 4px row g-1
Gutter 2 8px row g-2
Gutter 3 12px row g-3
Gutter 4 16px row g-4 Mobile
Gutter 5 20px row g-5
Gutter 6 24px row g-6
Gutter 7 28px row g-7
Gutter 8 32px row g-8
Gutter 9 36px row g-9
Gutter 10 40px row g-10
Gutter 11 44px row g-11
Gutter 12 48px row g-12 Desktop
Gutter 12 48px row g-12 Desktop
Gutter 13 52px row g-13
Gutter 14 56px row g-14